Natural folk remedies – quite effective with systemic administration for onychomycosis is in its early stages. Most of them are used in the house, really help to get rid of the disease.
Hydrogen peroxide removes perfectly the nail fungus of the feet in running (chronic) form, but the treatment will be long enough. Dermatologists recommend that in the process of liberation from the malocclusion lubricate perhydrol per day (once every 2 days) and healthy calendula, to prevent their infection.
Then, how to cure launched the nail fungus in the foot with the help of hydrogen peroxide?

- Method 1. In a bowl (bucket) steam the legs and try to remove (cut, scrape) with the nail plate affected the cortex. Dip a gauze pad in the perhydrol and attach to the treated nail. From the top wrap the film. Repeat the procedure twice a day until regrowth healthy of the nail plate.
- Method 2. Perhydrol connect with apple cider vinegar in equal quantities. Gauze impregnated with the composition and attach to the corroded disease nail. Wait for the completion of the bubbly effect. Legs rinse with water, dry with care. Via applying the drug to the pharmaceutical, assigned doctors.
- Method 3. Steam the foot in hot water vodice with the addition of liquid soap or copper sulphate, dry. A cotton pad abundantly dampened with hydrogen peroxide, apply it on the affected area on the nail, cover with a piece of foil, lay down a strip of gauze. Resist pack 35-40 minutes, scrape razmyagchayuschiesya fabric, ate the mushroom. Way to treat the area with an antifungal drug, designed by the infectious diseases.
The treatment of onychomycosis in the running form of vinegar (wine, apples) – tested and effective. To get the expected result, it is important to:
- Use a natural product without chemical additives;
- Respect the proportions of the composition;
- Follow the pattern of treatment;
- Use only things.
We take acid baths
Prepare a basin (bucket), where you can rest your foot. Pour into heated a little water and vinegar (in equal amounts). The fingers should be completely absorbed the liquid. The duration of the session to 40-50 minutes. The sessions need to repeat until the complete replacement of the wound of the cornea. When the complicated phase of onychomycosis tank must be made during the taking of medications, which nominate a mycologist.
We do compresses of vinegar
Pour into a bowl 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, get a cotton ball (disk), a shell of plastic. Cotton wool soaked in vinegar and attach to the infected cornea, wrap (not too tight!) the film. Express on 3-3,5 hours. The total duration of acetic acid treatment is 2.5-3 months. Stop the sessions can be only when it is completely formed, a new nail plate. Even a small amount left in the infected tissue may result in a return of a pathological process.
We treat calendula iodine-vinegar composition

Gives good results for the treatment of nail fungus in the running form of apple cider vinegar in combination with alcohol, 5% iodine solution. The components are mixed in equal amounts.
Before the treatment, the nail plate is necessary, soften in hot water, cut off the peeling part. Cooked the product is applied with a cotton bud (the wand) for the whole of suffered cornea with meticulous attack side edge. Do not forget to lubricate the solution (with the help of another disk) and healthy calendula, to warn of their infection.
The effectiveness of the treatment of nail fungus iodine in racing form confirmed and dermatologists and mycologists. What is the secret of efficiency is so popular (and cheap!) the method? Iodine is able to coagulate the proteins. Pests that destroy the cornea discs, have a protein structure, they feed on keratin – fibrillar protein. Therefore, iodine has the ability to "crush" the athlete's foot, by acting directly on it.
- Method 1. Twice a day on the nail plate, apply a drop of solution (5%). Adjacent calendula also do not leave without attention – lubricate iodine once a day. Do not forget that the solution assigns manicure plates unsightly yellowish colouring. 7-10 days will show a feeling of strong burning sensation in the damaged areas – a sign of the destruction of pathogenic micro-organisms began. The whole treatment cycle lasts 20-40 days. If the sensation unbearable – process calendula once/day.
- Method 2. Within half an hour, steam the feet in very hot water with the addition of baking soda (1 tablespoon – 1 liter of water) and salt (the double greater amount). Bite the tweezers or cut with scissors the dead skin area, rinse their water with clean, dry. Each hit of the nail plate complete (with a wad of cotton wool, fleece), three layers of a solution of iodine (after the complete drying of the previous one). The procedure is carried out step by step before bedtime for 30 days.
The positive trend in the treatment of nail fungus in chronic (running) the form of iodine they say many testimonies of people who have benefited in this way.
Before use, make sure that you are not allergic to this medication. Apply a little oil on your wrist and leave to rest for 12 hours.
If you do not experience irritation – you can safely use. The entire course lasts two months and involves steaming or immediate application. For the bathroom, for liter of water is added to 5 drops of oil. Not diluted extract can be applied with a cotton swab on the surface of the nail after the steam cooking of the feet with soap and water.
Cleanse, you do not need.
Essential oils
And you know that some essential butter are famous for the beautiful antifungal characteristics? For example, if the diagnosed launched a form of nail fungus, the treatment can be done with the help of these oils:
- Oregano (oregano) – is one of the most effective natural antifungal and antibacterial. Carvacrol component of the oil – known as strong anti-bacterial properties.
- Tea tree – is able to cope with infections bacterial, viral, fungal, incl. with the old athlete to the toes.
- Lavender has antiseptic, antifungal, regenerating effect. The properties are enhanced in combination with oil of tea tree extract.
- Cloves – with a substance, eugenol, that deals with fungi, parasites, etc.,
Let's take a look at how to treat nail fungus in feet, launched with the help of oil concentrates:
- Thoroughly wash the feet with the use of detergent (tar, pine) soap, air dry.
- Apply all of the essential products in a diluted form (except butter and lavender). You can connect with the following base oils of jojoba, almond, extra virgin olive oil.
- Procedure carried out every day for 2-3 months.
- Strengthen action of medicinal oils possible, by combining it with baths, pharmacological agents.
- Recipe 1. Combine 100 ml of hot vinegar (9%), 6 drops of tea tree oil, 2 drops of oregano oil. Composition to add in a bowl with warm water. Keep your feet medicine the source of 20 minutes. Please note that the water must wash the ankle.
- Recipe 2. 10 drops of lavender oil, 6 drops of tea tree mix with 4 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. Pour the mixture into a bowl of dark glass and shake well. Add 30 ml of cooled boiled water and again shake well. Obtained lotion to lubricate the nails are damaged 3 times per day. Before each use, the composition well stirred.
- Recipe 3. Measure 2 tablespoons of talcum powder or 2 tablespoons of corn flour and pour into a plastic bag. Add 15 drops of lavender oil and 5 drops of essential oil in butter and mint. Package tie (cover) shake well and leave for a day. Apply not only on the nails of the infected, but also on the foot after cleaning the tanks.
- Recipe for 4. Mix 5 drops of lavender oil and of tea tree and 1 tablespoon of almond oil. Store in dark glass containers. Three times per day to wet the soft cloth butter "cocktail" and apply it on the affected area.
To be able to cure fungus, you can use a simple budget out of the way. There are a lot of low-cost options that really make cope with fungal infections.
The traditional methods of treatment of the fungus can't cure the nail fungus, but their application improves the condition of the patient and relieves the symptoms.
The remedies of the folk medicine recommend that you use as an addition to medical treatment, if it is approved by a dermatologist.
Soda and propolis

The sodium bicarbonate is applied to the baths or cooking of the pasta. To the bathroom to take 2 liters of water and add to it a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate. Nail the sick person has to survive in a solution of 10-15 minutes, then thoroughly dry the foot.
For the dough, you need to take a tablespoon of baking soda and add a little water. Then apply on the affected nails and drip for a couple of drops of fresh lemon juice. The mixture does not wash for 5-7 minutes.
Propolis possesses many healing properties, so it is a real assistant in the fight with the mushroom dish. If every day on the nail, apply the mother tincture of propolis in alcohol, it is guaranteed to accelerate the disappearance of the infection and repair the tissue.
The tincture can be used for the preparation of the containers. For this tablespoon of tincture diluted in a litre of warm water. The duration of the procedure from 10 to 15 minutes, during the walk will be at steam and it will be possible to remove the affected layers of the nail plate.
The causes of the disease
Nail fungus or onychomycosis – common disease, with insulation in the form. It develops in relation with the activity of micro-organisms, of which there are about 50 species.
But for simplicity, I combine them into three groups:
- Dermatomitsety;
- Forms;
- Yeast fungi of the genus Candida.
The most common are dermatomitsety, up to 90% of cases, the mushroom of the nail are associated with the types of micro-organisms belonging to this group.
The reasons and the conditions for the development of this disease may be:
- The non-observance of elementary rules of personal hygiene;
- Contact with an infected person, such as planting, through everyday objects (combs, towels, slippers, tools for manicure and pedicure);
- A weaker immune system, for example, on a background of antibiotics;
- Different diseases with diabetes;
- Over the age of 60 years — according to the statistics most often, nail fungus is common in people of this age;
- Interrupted blood flow to the limbs, for example, varicose veins;
- The presence of fungal on the skin and inside the body.
Besides the above-mentioned development of the mushroom of the nail contribute to the following factors:
- Serious mechanical damage of the nail plate and finger injuries;
- Long-lasting effect of adverse chemical factors;
- Increased sweating, wet, and cold limb when IRR;
- Flat foot, the synthetic and tight shoes, that is, of all, that leads to a small distance between the fingers;
- Wet and warmer climate conditions of the ground;
- Fees professional: manicure and pedicure, dermatologists are more at risk of nail fungus;
- Often the visit of the places, especially with wood floors and high rate of humidity in the premises (gyms, saunas, and bathrooms).
But do not give in to panic, if you frequently go to the gym or if your age is closer to sixty years old, this does not mean that it necessarily will be the nail fungus.
Like any illness, nail fungus is the symptoms even in the early stages.
It is worth to take care and to visit a doctor if:
- Always feel itching in hand, in particular their scope;
- Redness and other color changes of the skin around and under nails;
- The growth, delamination, deformation and brittleness of the nails;
- The color change of the nails.
In the later stages the symptoms are more serious:
- More painful itching;
- A strong burning sensation;
- The nail crumbles or, on the contrary, thickens (depending on the type of mushroom);
- Inflammation;
- Weeping limbs;
- Goiter;
- Weakness and drowsiness.
When you detect any symptom of nail fungus is necessary to consult a dermatologist for the diagnosis. If the presence of the fungus is confirmed, the dermatologist will discuss your sight and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
After the foot infection the fungus requires some time to get used to the nail plates. Before the infection affects the thumb, in the course of a year or more periods of time destroys the structure of the nail. This process is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- thickening of the plate (amplified keratinization of the tissues);
- the color change (the plate becomes yellow, black or brown color);
- the break up of the board (in the absence of treatment, or its incompleteness fungal infection spreads throughout the thickness of the nail, with the result that corroded and crumbles);
- the itching of the nail the skin;
- the bad smell coming from the foot.